Computer and Information Networking Center Our Services

Distance Learning Classroom

Service Intro
The 106 distance classroom (classroom 106 of the Computer and Information Networking Center) is equipped with a large sized projection screen, projectors, TV sets, lecterns, 80 seats and camcorders. At the rear of the classroom is a master control booth, which provides long distance connection services and is responsible for controlling the learning environment. In accordance with the actual teaching situation, the master control booth can switch the pictures on the monitors between those of the teachers and those of the students, fully in control of the classroom media. In the meantime, the classroom is capable of providing assistance to course-related matters in compliance with the instructors’ needs. Coping with the requirements of the teachers for a multi-media internet classroom, the Center is planning to build a simple network teaching video recording studio and multi-purpose video conference classrooms, which, when completed, can be used to support the 106 distance learning classroom, and can be used as venues for video conferencing and seminars. The recording studio can be used to provide professional quality video production of in school course materials, thus enhancing its functional efficiency through multi-tasking.

Service Targets
All NTU faculty, staff and students.

Courses on distance learning
Please go to the curriculum division of the Office of Academic Affairs to inquire about related information Website:

Related Forms for Application
For application to register for distance learning courses please go to the curriculum division of the Office of Academic Affairs at:表單或紀錄/1遠距教學課程申請表.doc

Rules for borrowing the distance learning classroom

For distance learning courses please telephone the curriculum division of the Office of Academic Affairs at 02-33662388, ext. 303, ask for Division Chief Mr. Lee

For application to borrow the distance learning classroom for temporary use, please contact the Computer and Information Networking Center at: 02-33665047 or