





【COVID】★【轉發】「重要訊息」【80人(含)以上或無法維持安全社交距離課程4月18日起改為遠距教學】【courses with enrollment of 80 students or above or appropriate social distancing can’t be kept shall be switched to distance teaching since April 18】
  • 發布單位:教學研究組



    為因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎疫情的發展,降低師生感染的風險,本校修課人數80人 (含) 以上課程或無法維持安全社交距離 (2.25 平方米/人) 之課程 (參考教育部「大專校院 110 學年度因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎防疫管理指引」訂定),自4月18日起改為遠距教學,請所有師生依據以下措施配合辦理,相關因應措施將依中央宣布而機動調整。








二、如有師生確診,其授課/修課之班級以及接觸者,應暫停實體課程1~3天 (視疫調情形而定),該課程改採遠距教學,暫停實體授課的範圍、期限及恢復實體課程時機如下:







四、請老師善用NTU COOL數位教學平台(https://cool.ntu.edu.tw/login/portal),該平台已建有「課程數位化百寶箱」(https://cool.ntu.edu.tw/courses/20) 及「數位TA訓練課程」(https://cool.ntu.edu.tw/courses/1838),提供老師與助教準備數位教學所需資訊。若老師在教學數位化上有任何問題,請參考數位學習中心專頁 (https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/superkit/)。



教務處   敬上


Dear NTU community members,


In response to the current epidemic situation, courses with enrollment of 80 students or above, or appropriate social distancing-2.25 square meters/person-can’t be kept (referred to the Ministry of Educations Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of COVID-19 for Higher Education in the academic year 2021/2022) shall be switched to distance teaching since Monday, April 18, 2022. All instructors and students are required to be in accordance with the ensuing measures; please also note that, these measures are subject to change in tallying with the latest announcement of the CECC:


1.If the course is taught in person, it must be handled in accordance with the following specifications:

1)The number of students in the classroom shall not exceed 80, and the classroom roll call shall be implemented. Eating and drinking shall be prohibited throughout the classroom.

2)Instructors are not required to wear masks during class, but they must keep social distancing or have appropriate partition, and students must wear masks throughout the course.

3)Classrooms should be ventilated well and cleaned regularly.

4)If the appropriate physical space can’t be kept, please switch to distance teaching.


2.If an instructor or student is screened as the confirmed case, the in-person class in which they teach/study and their contact(s) should be suspended for 1 to 3 days (depending on the epidemic investigation and tracking), and switched to distance teaching. Below please refer to the guideline for the suspension and resumption of in-person course:

1)In-person classes can be resumed if there is no close contact of the confirmed instructor and student in the class.

2)If there is close contact of confirmed instructor and student, the close contact is required to be isolated at home and screened, and the in-person course must be suspended. If the screening results of the close contact are all negative, the course can be resumed as the in-person one.

3)If there are one-third or above in-person courses suspended for 10 days, all courses around the University shall be switched to distance teaching.


3.If there are students who are unable to go through immigration due to the epidemic, or unable to attend the class or take exams due to isolation, instructors are required to record digital courses and provide students with learning in either synchronous or asynchronous method to ensure that there is no interruption in students’ learning; instructors are also recommended to adopt make-up exams or other flexible remedial measures, based on the essence of the course, to ensure that students’ learning rights can be kept intact without being affected by the epidemic.


4.Instructors and teaching assistants can refer to the following URL for useful information for distance teaching; instructors can also browse through the website of Digital Learning Center (https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/superkit/) if having any questions concerning teaching digitalization.

1)NTU COOL digital teaching platform (https://cool.ntu.edu.tw/login/portal), which has built a "Course Digital Treasure Box" (https://cool.ntu.edu.tw/courses/20/)

2)Digital TA Training Course (https://cool.ntu.edu.tw/courses/1838)




委託單位: 教務處

委託人: 丁詩同教務長

聯絡電話: 33662388